Aims and Objectives

To search for the generation and preservation of knowledge through teaching and research.

To create awareness to all those admitted to Groupe Scolaire Sainte Bernadette and make provision for the advancement, stimulation of intellectual life in Rwanda and the world over.
To offer subjects relevant to the needs of all people in the struggle for development in a holistic approach where girls and boys will develop their full potential, academically, spiritually and physically, thus making them productive in their communities.’

To provide Christian ethics and universal moral values this will be the basis to personal and interpersonal relationships in Rwanda.
That we offer excellent opportunity for practical and theoretical knowledge. That will ably prepare students for adult life. That every student fulfils his academic potential. That teachers and students pursue excellence in teaching and learning. That our students develop a love of learning, both individually and with others, and acquire a wide range of learning skills. That we create an environment in which students are confident in their ability and increasingly ready to take responsibility for their own learning.

That every student is offered opportunities to enhance his spiritual life through a variety of spiritual exercises in the Groupe Scolaire Sainte Bernadette. That every student receives good pastoral care within an ethics of tolerance and mutual respect rooted in Christian values. That students develop relationships with peers and adults in a way that prepares them for life beyond school. That student acquires a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. That students benefit from a wide range of opportunities for leadership and the management of others.

That our students benefit from a comprehensive personal and social education that helps them to happily lead moral and fulfilling lives.
That we provide a varied range of activities beyond the curriculum that will help them experience a sense of well-being and self-confidence that arises from good health and fitness. That student discovers and develops their own skills and interests at school in preparation for adult life. That all students be adventurous and participate in a range of activities, appreciating the rewards of teamwork. That all be given the opportunity for personal achievement and fulfillment in a way befitting their own aspirations.

That the school recognizes the importance of its staff in pursuing the aims above and, as a good employer, undertakes to provide them with appropriate support in order to become deserving role models to the students they teach. This is done by giving them some supportive funds to help them to improve their standards of living.
Groupe Scolaire Sainte Bernadette offers a wide and rich curriculum menu of Science and Arts subjects at both ‘Ordinary’ and ‘Advanced’ levels. Students are given opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities such as Games, Sports, Music, Dance and Drama. They also acquire skills in Computer Studies and political education as part of the Curriculum.

The school has molded very many ladies of integrity and its Alumni are to be found in various professions all over the country as Doctors, Teachers, Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers, Human Resource Managers, and Nurses etc.
Groupe Scolaire Sainte Bernadette Will provide/give continuous opportunities to our staff and students to develop their skills and competencies for continuous performance improvement in management every year and through coaching and workshops termly for the students.

To create an environment that is conducive to study, time conscious, work focused coverage and high standards achievement driven.

As a center of excellence, Groupe Scolaire Sainte Bernadette will endeavor to create an environment that is littered with co-curricular activities, clubs, and societies to allow students to participate and compete to the national level and I East African Community.